CADPRO is a provider of low-cost planning in USA, Canada, UK, AUS & Dubai

Get Settled

Enhance Your Institution’s Reputation

Find Work

Launching Careers, Fulfilling Dreams


Think Beyond, Create Beyond
1 +
Satisfied Candidates


Why Partner with Us?

Enhance Your Institution’s Reputation: By offering your graduates access to international employment opportunities, you elevate your institution’s standing as a gateway to global nursing careers.

Success Stories: Many of our placements have led to thriving careers, with nurses often advancing to senior roles within their first few years.

Save money – we help protect you from non-compliance issues.
Grow – you keep your focus on increasing revenue.

Join our deployment program with confidence

Dream Canada Deployment

Take the first step towards your Canadian adventure today and discover the endless opportunities

Limitless USA Deployment

Take the first step towards your American adventure today and discover the limitless opportunities

Discovery UK Pathway

We have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your UK nursing dreams.

Tropical Australia Pathway

We believe that every nurse deserves the opportunity to thrive in a unique and exotic environment.

Speedy Canada Pathway

Our innovative approach streamlines the process, ensuring a swift and seamless journey to your new Canadian nursing adventure.

Breathtaking Newzealand Pathway

Our comprehensive approach to recruitment and relocation support sets us apart.
Exclusive Offer for NCLEX Passers

Reduced Service Fee: From £2,000 to just £499 for successful NCLEX passers


Connect with our representatives

Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Email: info@consultio.com
Address: Great Bend, KS 67530, USA
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Email: info@consultio.com
Address: Vivekanand Colony, Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh 480001, India
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Email: info@consultio.com
Address: North Pennines AONB, United Kingdom
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Email: info@consultio.com
Address: North Pennines AONB, United Kingdom
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Email: info@consultio.com
Address: North Pennines AONB, United Kingdom
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Email: info@consultio.com
Address: North Pennines AONB, United Kingdom
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Email: info@consultio.com
Address: North Pennines AONB, United Kingdom
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Email: info@consultio.com
Address: North Pennines AONB, United Kingdom
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Email: info@consultio.com
Address: North Pennines AONB, United Kingdom
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Email: info@consultio.com
Address: North Pennines AONB, United Kingdom
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    Latest Blog

    Know something more from our latest blog!

    Unlocking Career Opportunities with CADPRO: Revolutionizing the Job Market Through a Dynamic App

    In the ever-evolving landscape of employment, connecting with the right opportunity can be as crucial as having the right qualifications. Enter CADPRO, a groundbreaking app that is transforming the way prospective employees connect with potential employers. In this digital age, creating a compelling professional profile isn’t just a recommendation; it’s a necessity. CADPRO stands out not only as a bridge between job seekers and employers but also as a tool that enriches this connection with innovative features like QR code profiles, psychometric tests, and real-time course tracking.



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